Useful Information For The Novice Organic Gardener

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You are finally ready to try organic gardening. You’ve come to the right place! Keep reading for tips any beginner will find useful.

A good tip to help your plants stay healthy and fight diseases is to use aspirin water. Dissolve one and one-half aspirins into two gallons of cold water, and use it to fortify your plants. Spray the plants with the aspirin water to assist plants in battling disease. You should spray your plants about once every three weeks.

When starting your organic garden, a great tip is to make sure you have the right timing when sowing your seeds. If your timing is off when planting a particular plant, you will have very disappointing results. If you make sure you have your timing correct, you will likely be pleased with your results.

To keep air flowing through your compost pile, stand a large PVC pipe with punched holes in the center of your pile so the air flows up and down the pipe, and then through the holes directly into the pile. The air movement helps your soil decomposers create the heat needed to jumpstart the decay process.

A great way to assure a successful organic garden year after year is to keep a gardening journal. You simply need to jot down what vegetables do well and those that don’t, as well as certain pests or other issues that your garden runs into. By doing this, you’ll know what to change or keep the same the following year, resulting in a gorgeous organic garden.

You can gain time by renewing your beds with this method: slice under the turf and turn it over. Cover it with wood chips and wait a few weeks. You can then use this bed to plant your perennial plants. The ground you have turned over should be made richer by the turf that is under it.

To keep rodents, deer, and other pesky animals away from your organic garden, use organic repellents. A spray made from hot peppers can be effective. Otherwise try a spray containing urine or rotten eggs. Regardless of what you use, apply the sprays liberally and reapply regularly especially after a rain shower.

If you follow proper organic growing conditions you may find that you are better able to market your produce at the local fruit stands and farmer’s markets. Organic produce is very popular now because people are beginning to see all the health benefits of eating an organic whole food diet.

It is a good idea to get organic garden certification so as to reaffirm your claims that your products really are organic. Obtaining this certification will give you further credibility as an organic gardener, boosting sales and proving to your customers that you provide only the best.

You should now have the basic knowledge you need to start an organic garden. By reading and applying the information you have learned, you can go from a novice gardener to an expert-level organic gardener in no time at all. You’ve read tips that you can use to create a lovely garden full of organic and natural products.